Click Here to download a PDF of this article Tibial varum, or bowed legs, is a normal alignment pattern in toddlers that typically corrects itself by about age 2, when the knees gradually straighten and shift to a slight valgus alignment. A common cause for the...
Click Here to download a PDF of this article Listen to Podcast Even though the word bunion is widely used to describe the condition in which the big toe angles out while the first metatarsal angles in, the technical name for this condition is either hallux abductus or...
Click Here to download a PDF of this article Listen to Podcast Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a complex and poorly understood condition in which the body’s peripheral nerves gradually deteriorate (Fig. 1). Symptoms associated with this condition range from mild...
Click Here to download a PDF of this article While most people spend countless hours in the gym performing squats, lunges, deadlifts, and planks to strengthen their sagittal and frontal plane muscles (Fig. 1), relatively few focus on the small but extremely important...
Click Here to download a PDF of this article Listen to Podcast Over the past 15 years, some amazing research has shown that when a contracted muscle is vibrated at a specific frequency and intensity, it can produce long-term changes in athletic performance and...
Watch the Video Here If you were around in the eighties and nineties, you probably remember those medical alert commercials in which an older woman calls for help because she couldn’t stand up after a fall. We take it for granted when we’re young but the ability to...